Sunday, May 31, 2015

The more you do it, the better you get

"The more you do it, the better you get."

This is an irrefutable law of nature.  The more you engage in an activity, the better you will become at performing the necessary tasks.  Over time, you will unconsciously become more efficient, effective, and require less work to obtain the same objectives.

This applies to everyone no matter how they may be rated by themselves, or their peers; and at any specific activity. In fact, the complete form of the expression is as follows:

"No matter how slow and stupid you are; the more you do it, the better you get."

There are many reasons why this is true, but the following is a favorite:

The neurons in your brain are naturally lazy like yourself.   They have a degree of self monitoring and group interaction.  If you are repeatedly using the same group of neurons to engage in a specific task like playing a C chord, painting a brush stroke, or kicking a soccer ball, your brain will start to optimize the way the neurons are used.   It will grow new neurons specifically dedicated to that task.   The neurons will organize more efficient ways to perform the same tasks.   The end result of all this is that you get more proficient.  It is inescapable.

Now, it does take a long time.   It may take up to ten years to grow a new neuron, because your brain grows neural connections very slowly.   In sleep studies, it takes up to ten years to create a permanent memory.  Every night during REM sleep, your Hippocampus refreshes an electrical connection to almost all the neurons.  It is speculated that this activity refreshes and organizes memories and information.  Sometimes, after about ten years of life, a neuron will become disconnected from this Hippocampus activity and then it becomes a permanent memory.

In popular lore, it also takes ten years, or 10,000 practice hours to become an expert.

I remember a story in the news, that I believe to be true, about a man in Florida who woke from a coma after 19 years.  It is speculated that it took that long for the brain to regrow the neural circuits necessary to function.   The entire time he was on life support, the brain was slowly regrowing neurons so that he could eventually function again.

It takes me about 5 - 10 years to learn a new rhythm pattern on the piano so that I can play it smoothly and effortlessly.   I can only really play a small number of rhythm patterns, but I mix them up so that most people cannot tell.

Personally, I never had that much facility for music and it always came with difficulty to me.   My brother Brian had much more innate skill and many of my classmates were more advanced than myself in musicianship.  I was very average skill musician.  But, I kept playing piano because it was fun and slowly I have gotten better at performance and playing ability over time.

This is true for everyone, no matter what it is you choose to do.   History is full of people who overcame severe limitations to achieve great success.   William Prescott was nearly blind, but went on to become a great historian and great writer, Theodore Roosevelt was sickly and had a speech impediment, but he became one of the great orators of his era,  Vincent Van Gogh got kicked out of Seminary and out of Art School because he could not learn the lessons and then went on to become a great painter.  George Washington was turned down for service in the English Military as a young man, and went on to join the American army in the French and Indian War and then to become the General of the Revolutionary Army.

Therefore, even though you may not achieve greatness, and maybe not even become "fantastically skilled," you will improve if you follow this simple idea:

"The more you do it, the better you get."

or for the more poetically inclined, the complete form of the expression is:

"No matter how slow and stupid you are; the more you do it, the better you get."

Take heart in the fact that you have much company and are not alone.  Many of your compatriots are exceedingly slow and stupid -- and are also having to be patient with their own meager progress in life.  At least half of all people on earth are below average in academic ability and intelligence.  And the ones that aren't -- are below average in something else like personal appearance, physical ability, or health.  So, get going and get moving and stop your self criticism and stop your complaining.   Whatever you enjoy doing, do it to the best of your ability and always remember that:

"The more you do it, the better you get."

copyright(c) 2015
William Schaeffer

Friday, May 22, 2015

It's ALL part of the FUN

"It's ALL part of the FUN!"

Whenever things get real bad, after a major accident, illness, or financial loss, this is a good phrase to repeat, "It's ALL part of the FUN!"
When suffering a minor setback, or disappointment, it is also good to remember.  In fact, whenever you are unhappy, scared, afraid, or in pain, just repeat that phrase to yourself, "It's ALL part of the FUN!"

Most people will recoil in disbelief when they hear that phrase.

If they are suffering themselves, they may angrily protest, or possibly chuckle with disbelief asking,

 "HOW can THIS possibly be FUN?"

And I reply:

Buddha once said, "To live is to suffer."  If we want to enjoy the great pleasures and joys that life has to offer, then we will also occasionally experience pain, loss, deprivation, and suffering.  There is no escape.  Since you appreciate the great and bountiful joy in living and recognize the precious miracle of just being alive, you will regard misfortune in this context.  There is only a temporary setback, or inconvenience, and soon living will generate pleasure once again.   Or perhaps, if there is a major catastrophe, you will recognize that the time we do have alive is still a precious gift because we will all die eventually.

Any way you look at it, we are lucky to have misfortune, because it means that we are still alive.  Just being alive is a greater blessing than any temporary set back, or disappointment.

Aside: If everything is going well for you presently, enjoy it.   Your fate will eventually change and you will need to face the difficulties.   But don't worry about that NOW; just enjoy the life because, "It's ALL part of the FUN!"


William Schaeffer

Thursday, May 21, 2015

P.T. Barnum

"There's a sucker born every minute." 
- P. T. Barnum

"You can fool all of the people some of the time,
and some of the people all of the time,
but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time."
- P. T. Barnum

"The Greatest Show on Earth!"
- P. T. Barnum

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Odd Job

On the way home from working as a background actor on the TV show, "Game Shakers" I stopped at the Good Will Outlet Store.  I found these cards on the bottom of a bin full of books.  I could not find the card decks, or games, that they belonged to; but I did not look too hard.

copyright(c) 2015
William Schaeffer

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Global Warming? ...About 377 feet

How much will the Sea Level rise if the ice cap on the continent of Antarctica melts away entirely?

- The Continent of Antarctica is 5% of the surface area of the Earth.
- The ice cap averages at least a mile thick.  
- When the ice cap melts; ALL the water will go into the oceans.
- The oceans cover almost 70% of the surface area of the Earth.      

       The math is simple:

              5% x 1 mile = 70% x (Z)              
       or   .05 x 5280 feet = .7 x (Z)              
       or   (Z) = 377 feet

 About 377 feet

is the amount that the Sea Level will rise when Antarctica ice cap melts.

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Free Trade?

"There is no Free Trade without Free Travel." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

No more time

"You can always buy more money,
But you can never buy more time."
- Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Why We Drink Bottled Water

Why We Drink Bottled Water
(and bottled beer, and bottled soft drinks)

The muscular motion involved in drinking from a bottle is more akin to infantile sucking than any other method of drinking liquid.  Subconsciously, this drinking (and sucking) motion is reassuring and reminds us of the comfort and security of our infancy.  Also, this is probably a more natural way for our biological system to "extract liquid from a container" than just "pouring it into our open mouth" from a cup.  You cannot suck a cup, but you can suck a bottle.  People enjoy drinking and they like the sucking motion; finding it most natural.

This is especially true with a partially collapsible container like the common water bottle; in this case the sucking behavior would yield more positive results and be additionally self reinforcing behavior.

This might also explain why straws are popular on soft drink cups.  People like to suck when they drink liquid.  And this is why we drink bottled water.

William Schaeffer

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mushroom Pizza

Pizza is the only food that is called by the same name in every language on Earth.

Pizza is the only food that has its own category in the phone book's yellow pages.


Legend has it that Pizza Margherita was invented in 1889 by baker Raffaele Esposito, with the red tomato, green basil and white cheese representing the colors of the Italian flag.  This was invented to commemorate the centennial, or one hundred year anniversary, or the founding of the modern Italian State.

The tomato is a "New World" plant and was unknown to the ancient Romans.   The tomato originally comes from Mexico and was brought to Europe by the Spanish Conquistadors.


The mushroom is neither a plant or animal species.  It is a fungus; which is an entirely different family than plant or animal.

The plural form of the word fungus is fungi

The largest living organism in the world is a fungus in a rain forest in Washington State.  It measures almost 30 miles long and lives under the dirt of the forest.


New Age philosopher, Terence McKenna, postulates that the mushroom, and the other fungi, are forms of Alien Life that got stranded on Earth millions of years ago.  

He also speculates that the mushroom fungus may be intelligently interacting with humans on the genetic and cellular level, through the human use of psychedelic mushrooms; and presumably Mushroom Pizza.

Terrence McKenna invented the process to cultivate Psilocybin Mushrooms.



A Mushroom walks into a bar and the bar tender asks him to leave,
"Get out of here!"

"Why?" the Mushroom protests, "I'm a Fun guy."


William Schaeffer

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Who said that?

"I want to be treated as a Man in a world that insists on treating me as a commodity, and therein lies the main source of conflict." - Anon

William Schaeffer

Monday, May 4, 2015

Art is not

is not
a pretty picture,
or a pleasant scene.

Art is not
a portrait, a painting,
or a still life.

Art is a philosophical statement;
a mathematical proposition of balance and color and culture and meaning;
a concept to consider.

Art isn't even something to look at; really.
It is something to think about.

William Schaeffer

Friday, May 1, 2015

Listen to the Mockingbird

Listen to the Mockingbird

I was annoyed that I had to move my car this morning, because it was parked in a street sweeping zone.  If I did not move it before noon, I would get a $73 parking ticket.  Reluctantly, I went outside and then absentmindedly walked in the wrong direction.

The previous night, I arrived home late from a job at 1:30 AM, and I had to park four blocks away.  I momentarily forgot WHICH late night parking adventure was the previous night and I was heading to a another street parking space in the opposite direction.

I turned around and decided to walk a different way back to my car. This route was slightly longer, but shaded with trees. It was a sunny morning and the California Mocking Birds were singing their unique songs.  I imitated them with whistling and fancied that they replied.  As I walked, I whistled to the birds and they sang back.  It seemed as if the entire neighborhood of birds had come alive with singing and whistling.  I could hear them in the back yards of houses and on the opposite block.  Just before arriving at my car, I found a neatly bagged collection of recyclable drink bottles left by the curb; and added it to the collection in the trunk.  On the way back to my apartment, an empty parking space was found on the same block just a few buildings down.  I parked my car and walked home.

A beautiful day.

copyright (c) 2015
William Schaeffer