Monday, January 26, 2015

What the Hay?

I just discovered audio lectures and affirmations by Louise L. Hay of Hay House Publishing.

I enjoy the positive philosophy and new ideas.

Now, after listening to a lecture on prosperity, I notice a missed phone call.  Listening to the voicemail revealed a message from "Fastwire Loans" guaranteeing me an instant loan for up to One Thousand dollars.  Well, I don't really need the loan, at this time, but it is an interesting coincidence.

Two favorite new ideas:

1. "My income is constantly increasing"

2. "I prosper wherever I turn."


William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Nutty Fruitarian Diet

Response to a question on diet on youtube video "Be A Nutty Fruitarian", edited for Atwaterpub:

Try to avoid restrictive plans or programs.
I try to eat whatever I feel like and whenever I feel like it.
However, the only food I own is food that has
"One gram of fiber for one hundred calories"
The fiber makes a natural "filling" feeling full.

Avoid cookies, ice cream, desert, and especially avoid candy.

Occasionally I will cook for fun or when socializing.
I like to cook vegetarian Chile (or Chillie), pasta sauce, or soup.

If working regular hours, then I eat on a more regular schedule.

Breakfast: Oatmeal, fruit, cereal without milk, bread
Lunch : Nuts, Granola, Sandwich, Fruit, dried fruit
Dinner: Nuts, Granola, Sandwich, Fruit, Chillie, Pasta,
rice and beans, veggie burrito, apple, banana,
cooked vegetables, potato.

Drink: Water, Tea without sugar, Coffee black, diet energy drink

Eat green leafy food and salads at restaurants, work, or even occasionally at home.
All cooked vegetables are healthy.
Use soy cheese when possible.

William Schaeffer

Positive Thought

Remember that you are the pure and beautiful child of creation itself.

William Schaeffer

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Optimist Club

"A pencil is the optimist's club" - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


"Water seeks the lowest level, and steam seeks the highest." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to get adequate sleep

How to get adequate sleep

The main function of sleep is to rejuvenate the mind.   Apparently your body only needs about an hour of rest each day and the remainder of your sleep time is for the benefit of your mind; to resort, refresh and organize the events for the day. 

To help facilitate this process of rejuvenating your body and mind when you are sleeping, you go through a regular series of events called a sleep cycle.   At the end of this sleep cycle you enter REM sleep, or dreaming.  A typical sleep cycle is about one and a half hours long. 

You must complete an entire sleep cycle to get the benefit of that time sleeping.  If you wake up after only one hour into the sleep cycle, you do not get full benefit from the hour of sleep because the process has not completed itself.

To get effective sleep, you must complete an entire one and a half hour sleep cycle, or a series of compete sleep cycles.

Therefore, when scheduling sleep it is important to allocate time that is a multiple of the sleep cycle duration plus a half hour to fall asleep.  The time intervals are shown in the accompanying chart.

Also, it is important to not use an alarm clock if at all possible.  An alarm clock interrupts your sleep and frequently interrupts a sleep cycle if you do not plan correctly.  If your alarm wakes you up a half hour before the natural end of your sleep cycle, it is as bad for your body as if you had been awakened an hour earlier, or possibly worse.

Also, alcohol, sleeping pills and other medications interfere with REM sleep and don’t leave you as refreshed as natural sleep. 

Therefore, plan your sleep time allocation by following the chart to get the full benefit of the time you spent sleeping; so you enjoy maximum health and quality of life.

William Schaeffer

Friday, January 16, 2015

just putting up tents

"They thought they were building skyscrapers,
  But really, they were just putting up tents." - Mr Atwater

Reflection on the work of the VFX artists that created the effects for the Original Star Wars.

For the 25 year reissue, all the visual effects were recreated using new software and machines.  None of the original visual effects remain in the movie and they will never been seen again.

To be fair, the original concepts remain and they were just re-visioned for the new release.  The ideas are the most important part and they remain legendary.  But it is still ironic that the actual work, the original VFX, that helped to make Star Wars legendary in its own time, will never be seen again.

Also, if we were able to see these visual effects shots, we would probably remark on how poorly they were constructed, not realizing how much more sophisticated and critical our own perception has become since that time.


William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Real Education

In my freshman class, in the College of Engineering at University of Illinois, only 50% of the students were able to eventually graduate with a degree in Engineering.   The other 50% were "flunked out."

No matter how much any individual student worked, studied, or tried to improve his behavior, the result was the same; 50% of the total students were flunked out.   THIS feature of the student's career was institutionalized.   The structure of University of Illinois School of Engineering accreditation system guaranteed that for 50% of the students, their college careers were ruined.   There was no mercy, no pity, and no compassion for these students.   

What a lousy school. It destroyed as many lives as it "improved."

In much the same way, the structure of the USA economy guarantees that a certain percentage of the population will live in poverty and unemployment.   No matter how much any individual person works to improve his situation, the same percentage of the total population will always be destitute.   This is intentional design of the system by the economic powers that run the economy.  There is no compassion, no mercy, and no pity anywhere on the corporate balance sheet.

I know people whose lives were destroyed by "flunking out" of school. They are dead now.

Those selfish, immoral, [and criminal] educators, would rather destroy numerous lives to keep the accreditation of their school and their high paying job, instead of doing the difficult work of actually guaranteeing that all students get a real education and value for their dollar.
This is shameful.  And no one cares...


William Schaeffer

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Present is the Gift of Life

Past, Present, and Future.

The Present is
The Gift of Life
That we continually re-open,
Each moment when it arrives.

William Schaeffer

Monday, January 5, 2015

Drive Safe

“Drive safe.”

A number of years ago, while working at Asylum FX in Los Angeles I became aware that I needed a new expression for saying, “Good bye,” or, “See you later.”  Frequently, we worked long hours in dark cramped quarters, hunched over tediously slow software processing or network transfers.  After work, we were lucky to leave, exhausted, and in a hurry to get home to sleep for a few hours before starting again the next day.  Just saying, “Bye,” or, “See you later,” or, “Take care,” all seemed trivial and insincere.  In fact anything that was customarily said upon parting, or leaving, sounded “superficial and inappropriate” to my ears.

I needed a new saying.

I was reminded of Alexander the Great who, during his campaigns, asked his philosophers for a phrase that would be appropriate to say regardless of the circumstance.  Alexander the Great had a corps of philosophers as part of his army.  After a few weeks of deliberation, the philosophers returned with this saying, “This too will pass.”  No matter whether the circumstance was good, or bad, the phrase was thoughtfully appropriate.  “This too will pass.”

I needed an expression like that.

After some deliberation, the saying I thought of was, “Drive safe.”   It is almost always appropriate in a work setting.   Most people drive cars.  Driving an automobile is extremely dangerous.  Statistically, the more time you spend on the road, the more likely you are to end up in a critical accident.  Even with very good driving habits, accidents can happen.   And the results can be very expensive, if not life changing; all for a momentary lapse of attention, or thought.

The saying, “Drive Safe,” is a positive expression and reminder to pay attention and be cautious.   It shows thoughtful consideration of the person’s immediate future.  It does not sound trite, contrived, or insincere, because driving is dangerous.   And I do sincerely hope the person has a safe drive, without any mishap, and I will see them again in the future.

At the same time, if I am busy working, or deep in thought, I do not have to struggle to find something appropriate to say.  I don’t have to shift gears to personally greet each of the 30 people that are leaving the work space.  I can just say, “Drive safe,” and get back to work, without being insincere.

A car is designed with so much comfort, and we are used to just sitting, that we forget how risky driving really is.  Look up the statistics.  It is sobering how expensive and dangerous it is to drive a car.

Therefore, please remember when you are travelling to always be careful and especially “Drive safe.”

William Schaeffer

Sunday, January 4, 2015

God doesn't play with dice

"God doesn't play with dice -- He is deadly serious." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

Nuclear Fusion possible?

Subject: Nuclear Fusion

Last week, I was thinking about a new way to build a Nuclear Fusion power generator.

Based on similar concepts, my idea was to start with a Uranium core and Carbon control rods.   We could pre-treat the core with Fluorine and then put the whole device in a bath of Potassium infused solution.   This seemed unstable so I thought we could stabilize the reaction using Thorium, Iodine, and Sulphur but when I started writing down the equations, this is what I ended up with:

Maybe I should stick with graphic design?

William Schaeffer

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Be thankful for stupidity

"Be thankful for stupid people.  Otherwise, you would be one." - Mr. Atwater


copyright(c) 2015
William Schaeffer