Sunday, February 28, 2016

Got to have fun

"Life is short.  Got to have fun." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2016
 William Schaeffer

Happy Thought

pretty little flowers
with birds singing and
everybody is happy

William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 27, 2016

barren chunk of rock

It is sobering to think that one day the Sun will supernova and the Earth will be destroyed. All that will remain is a barren chunk of rock hurling through space. Nothing we have done here will be remembered and only faint echos will remain of the sound of this once vibrant world; lost in the busy explosive universe of many new worlds being born. 

This is a paraphrase of "The Iceball Theory" by Robert J. Ringer from his book "Looking out for Number One."

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Sunshine and butterflies

Think pleasant thoughts,
Sunshine and butterflies

William Schaeffer

The Hoax

A comment on an Alan Watts Video:

"..and there is a slight let down because you feel there is a hoax.   And there was a hoax.  A dreadful hoax.  They made you miss everything, by expectation.  Look at the people who live to retire, put those savings away, and then when they are 65, they don't have any energy left, they are more or less impotent, and they go and rot in a 'Senior Citizens' community."

 Western society is one big con job and a life crushing deceit.   We have all been lied to and our lives have been stolen from us.  Most of us don't even realize it.

There is an alternative to working for the "corporate overlords" and the International Banking system.   Let's work to find it and make it a reality.

Thanks Alan 

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The End of Faith

"Emotional certainty doth not a logical proof make." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Spider Poetry

A spider's poetry is very boring
for an ordinary person to listen to.

It consists mostly of
trigonometric expressions
that are occasionally interrupted by
sullen expressions of greed.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Green Bananas

You gave me green bananas.
I checked them every day,
waiting for them to ripen.

Now, they are over ripe,
And I may not be able to finish them all;
Before they spoil.

copyright(c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Monday, February 22, 2016

real friends

real friends talk on the phone.

email is for associates and functionaries.

real friends talk on the phone.

William Schaeffer

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Yesterday it was Chainsaws

Yesterday it was chainsaws.
Today it is car alarms.
Who knows what it will be tomorrow?

Rock and Roll?
Threat of a Nuclear War?
Chronic indigestion?

William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 18, 2016

How to Learn Something New

How to Learn Something New:

 "If you don't know where to start, 
   just start anywhere.  

   Eventually, you will figure out where you are 
   and where you want to go."    
                                                    - Mr. Atwater

The important thing is to start.  Just get going.
"Put your foot in the water." 
Trust your instincts.  Have fun.  Be patient.  
To survey a forest, just pick a point of entry 
and then methodically map the entire area.

copyright (c) 2016

William Schaeffer

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Social Media Network

Social Media Network, n.,  1. A bunch of people promoting things that no one else cares about. 2. Lonely hearts club. 3. Government surveillance and monitoring of citizens. 4. Extortion and brainwashing.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Smile and the World smiles with you

"Smile and the World smiles with you;
 Cry and you cry alone." - Anon

My mother would frequently repeat this to me when I was a child and the memory of her saying it is vivid.  Good advice, nevertheless.

William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Milk is NOT a Basic Food Group

Milk is NOT a Basic Food Group.
Dairy is NOT a nutritional classification.
These are industrial food products.

During my entire grammar school career I was told that there were four basic food groups: 1. Milk, 2. Grains, 3. Meat, 4. Fruits and Vegetables.   These are NOT essential nutritional groups.   These are different food product industries.


Here is how food is classified: Plant or Animal.  There are three macro nutrients in food: Fat, Protein, Carbohydrate.  These macro nutrients have calories.  They also have dietary fiber, or not.  There are Vitamins and Minerals.  There are food additives, organic food, and GMO's.

There are NOT four basic food groups,
Milk is NOT a Basic Food Group.
Cheese is NOT a dietary necessity.

In fact, there is some evidence to suggest that juvenile onset diabetes may be caused by feeding infants cows milk; instead of human breast milk.  The child's body develops antigens against the milk proteins.   Years later, these antigens will cause an attack on the child's own body after it has grown older.

Dairy is NOT a vital nutrient.
Milk is NOT a Basic Food Group.
It never was.

Only drink water.

A friend of mine drank milk every day.  He loved milk but was overweight.   After suffering knee problems, he changed his diet and started drinking water instead of milk.  He quit drinking milk altogether.  Eventually he lost one hundred pounds and he is a changed person.  He looks great.  He attributes the weight loss to diet modification and drinking water instead of milk.

Milk is NOT a Basic Food Group

Only drink water.

copyright(c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Friday, February 12, 2016

Why you cannot drink milk, beer, cola

Why you cannot drink milk, beer, cola, or fruit juice, and then just exercise to get in shape.

A 12 ounce can of beer, or cola, contains 150 calories.  A six pack contains 900 calories.

The daily caloric requirement for an average person is only 2500 calories.  Therefore, a six pack of beer, or cola, contains more than a third of the caloric requirements for the entire day.  The caloric content of milk or fruit juice is comparable to beer or cola.

Your body does not measure the caloric content of the food you are eating to establish a feeling of fullness.  You feel full, or satiated, when you have food with fiber content in your stomach.

If you drink beer, or cola, your body is frequently unaware that it is consuming anything except water.  All those “extra calories” sneak by your body’s monitors undetected.

When drinking beer, or cola, it is not unusual to drink as much as a six pack [or more] in a single day or evening.  This equals 900 additional calories that are “unaccounted for” and consumed in addition to your daily nutritional requirements.

At the gym, I found it possible to “burn off” about 150 calories in one half hour of aerobic exercise on the stationary bike or stair master.  To “burn off” 900 calories, it would take six times as long or about three hours of aerobic exercise.

Nobody can do high intensity aerobic exercise for three hours every day, without eventually damaging their joints or legs.  

Therefore, [unless you are very young] you cannot drink milk, beer, cola, or fruit juice and stay in shape.   The drink is too concentrated with calories that your body is not designed to accommodate.  You cannot exercise to make up the difference and you eventually will gain weight, or suffer health problems.

Therefore, for optimal health, only drink water.

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 11, 2016

I eat frightened children with my eyes

"I eat frightened children with my eyes." - DADA's Children

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer


Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Why Almonds are the almost perfect food

Why Almonds are the almost perfect food

We all know that we need to eat a variety of foods for optimal health and nutrition.  There is no single food that we could eat to the exclusion of all others and still maintain optimal health.

However, if there was a food that was close to perfect, it would be the Almond.

1. Almonds are nuts from Almond trees.  Trees and food from trees have always been held to be special in human society.

2. Almonds have a long shelf life and do not require special refrigeration or storage.  This is economical because the food won’t spoil easily and is easy to store.

3. Almonds are a naturally high fiber food with more than two grams of fiber for every one hundred calories.  Fiber intake is vitally important for health and well being; especially in today’s dietary landscape of overly processed foods.

4. Almonds are harvested naturally.  The nuts are produced by trees and intended to be harvested.  Nothing was killed, maimed, or destroyed for the production of the Almond nuts.

5. Trees are good for the environment.  Even though Almond trees require a lot of water, the water required overall is still less than that required for the entire growth and manufacture of most other food products.  Orchards provide environment for other wildlife.

6. Almonds contain fat, carbohydrates, AND protein in almost equal amounts.  Each individual nut contains a small balanced diet of macro nutrients.   A handful of nuts are already a healthy balanced meal all by themselves.

7. Although the fat content might be considered a little high, these are all unsaturated fats and omega-3 and omega-6 which are actually good for you.  Almonds have zero cholesterol.

8. Almonds contain vitamins and minerals; especially vitamin E and the B vitamins.  They also contain calcium, iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium and other minerals.

9. Food preparation, and consumption, is simple. It requires no special machinery.   You just put the Almonds in your mouth and chew.

10. Almonds are fun to eat and taste good.

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Only drink water

Why you should only drink water.

Your body is not designed to consume any liquid besides water.  We evolved to drink water and our ancestors drank little besides water. Water is the most healthful liquid to drink.

For the last one billion years, the Earth has had fresh water lakes and streams.  If you could take a time machine back to the time before the advent of mankind, you would find the entire Earth was filled with fresh clean water.  You could drink water out of ANY lake, stream, or river on the entire planet.  The water was fresh and clean.

Current science understanding accepts that humans evolved about 200,000 years ago in Africa.  They evolved from earlier humanoid species which themselves evolved from other mammals.  Around 60,000 years ago these people left Africa and started populating the Earth.   As they migrated, and where they camped, they only drank water.  They did not drink fruit juice, milk, tea, coffee, cola, beer, wine, or any other beverage except water. And -- all the water they encountered in lakes, rivers, and streams was fresh and clean and pure and good to drink.

The custom of making beer and fermenting wine is no more than ten thousand years old.  Before that time, people only drank water.  Now, to be fair, some traditional diets included liquids besides water.   Some nomadic peoples also drank animal milk.  Rarely did any early human ever drink fruit juice – they just ate the fruit. Coconut milk might be an exception.  For the most part, however, traditional peoples only drank water. 

Your body is not designed to consume calories in liquid form.  Your body is only designed to consume calories in solid food form and mostly as plant food.   It is the fiber in plant food that your body measures to calculate caloric intake.  If you consume calories in liquid form such as cola, fruit juice, ice cream, alcohol, or cheese, your body is unaware that it has consumed any calories at all.  If you consume these items on a regular basis, you will be overweight.

Therefore, for optimal health, only drink water.

You can also drink black coffee, tea without sugar, or herb tea as a substitute for plain water.

It is best to avoid carbonated diet beverages.  Some research studies show that these diet beverages actually cause the body to gain weight.  Also, drinking carbonated liquid on a regular basis over a long period of time can be related to other health and digestive issues. Be careful.

Remember to only drink water. 

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Humming Bird Luck

"I feel lucky when I hear the Humming Birds chirping." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer


Friday, February 5, 2016

Why you need fiber in your diet

Why you need fiber in your diet

Your ancestors evolved from little monkeys that lived their entire lives in the trees.   The foods that these monkeys ate were “fruit and nuts from tree and vine.”   Occasionally they would eat insects or bird eggs, but mostly they ate fruit and nuts.   All these foods have fiber.  The fiber is the plant cell wall.  These fruit and nut foods today are still the most healthful foods for humans to consume.

Our digestive system is designed to process food that has a certain amount of fiber occurring naturally.  In plant food this is about 2 – 3 grams of fiber per one hundred calories, and more for beans.

Our bodies do not measure the caloric content of food.  Our bodies measure fiber content of food to calculate caloric content.  When we drink cola, or eat ice cream, or eat candy, our bodies are unaware that we have consumed additional calories.  It is as if our bodies thought we were consuming water [which has no calories] instead of high calorie liquids.

We do not get satiated from fulfilling caloric requirements.   We get satiated from a feeling of “being full” due to the fiber content in the food.   If you eat food with fiber content, it is almost impossible to eat too much food.  You will naturally stop eating when you have consumed enough calories, because the fiber in the food will “fill you up.”

Use the measurement of at least “one gram of fiber for every one hundred calories.”  This is based on the idea of 30 grams of fiber a day and 2500 calories a day.   The ratio is actually 1.2 grams of fiber, but 1.0 grams is easier to calculate.

It is best to eat foods that have natural fiber content.  Eating processed “health food” with more than 5 - 6 grams of fiber [for every one hundred calories], might cause digestive distress.  Some supplement bars have 9 - 10 grams of fiber for every one hundred calories.  This is artificial fiber and should be treated with caution. 

So remember, for optimum health only eat foods that have at least “one gram of fiber for every one hundred calories.”  Only drink water.

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Rules for Healthy Eating

Fifteen years ago I was inspired to change my diet for health.  I ended up losing almost fifty pounds.  Over the years I developed little sayings that help me stay “on track.”  These are my own sayings and you may find them interesting, inspiring, or helpful.  These rules are not exhaustive or universal, but present a good set of guidelines to start with.

Rules for healthy eating:

1. Only eat food that contains; “One gram of fiber for every one hundred calories.”

2. Only drink water.

3. Green tea, Herb tea. English tea, or Black coffee; are also “ok” to drink.

4. Fruit and Nut from tree and vine.

5. The less meat I eat, the healthier I am.

6. Eating is not entertainment.

7. I’d rather eat a sandwich under a tree, than anything at any Restaurant on Earth.

8. Why throw a bunch of dirt on the walls and then try to clean it off later?  DON’T throw the dirt on the walls in the first place!  (Don’t overeat and plan to exercise later to compensate).

9. Exercise doesn’t lose weight.  Diet control loses weight. 

10. Don’t make food consumption the main focus of socializing events.

11. Use condiments like: honey, pickled garlic, green olives, pepperoncini, sliced jalapenos, basil, parsley, black pepper, sage, yellow mustard, tomato catsup, tomato salsa, curry, Chile.

12. No desert.  No candy.  No chocolate.

13. No alcohol.  No sugar.

14. No dairy products.  No ice cream.  No cheese.  No mayonnaise.

15. No cigarettes.  No pain killers.

16. Use diet supplements: Vitamin B multi-vitamin, Vitamin C, Ginseng, Zinc, Resveratrol.

17. Drink more water.  Read a book.  Write a poem.  Go to sleep early.

Copyright © 2016
William Schaeffer

Engineers and Philosophers

"Engineers want answers,
but Philosophers are happy to just think
about the questions for a while." - Mr. Atwater

Engineers want solutions;
Reliable and economic fixes to problems.

Philosophers agree, but it needs more discussion.
"Maybe we can review the concepts over lunch.
And, a cup of coffee?"

Engineers have a Goal.
Philosophers have worn out clothes and dishes in the sink.

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer

Monday, February 1, 2016

Be a Doer

"I'd rather be a doer than a viewer." - Mr. Atwater

copyright (c) 2016
William Schaeffer