Sunday, October 25, 2015

Follow your Heart

In Dear Abby, I read that a teenage girl was being pressured to believe in Christianity and join a Church even though she did not really want to:

My comment:

You must be true to yourself and your own feelings. Much of popular Christianity is dishonest and untrue, even if "the Love of God" is somehow true. Follow your heart and your mind and do not betray your own intellect and your own feelings. The only way you can be at peace is to be honest with yourself and honest with others (as much as it is possible). I left the Church at 15 years old, because I did not believe in the writing of Apostle Paul. I still do not and I am proud of myself for staying true to my convictions at such an early age. The Church teaches that Blind Faith is the highest good and this is just not true. Honest search for demonstrable (and repeatable) truth is the highest good and most honorable use of the intellect and the heart. Follow your deepest inner feelings and be true to yourself wherever it might lead you. It may not be easy, but in the long run it will be worth it.

Some replies:

  • bloodthirstyjesus 9 minutes ago
    Congratulations for escaping fundamentalist religion,

  • N
    New 5 minutes ago
    Why writing of Apostle Paul?
    So you believed in some of it but not other parts?

My comment:

William Schaeffer
This is not the correct forum for me to elucidate further on my beliefs. The important point is that everyone must follow their own heart and be true to their own sense of what is right and good. If you betray your own intellect, for any reason, you have lost everything and you will never be at peace.

Another reply:

William, people who disagree with others do it because it goes into contrast with their own humanly performance, believes and what they want to do in their own lives so they pick and chose. While you state that this blog isn't the correct forum to elucidate on your believes, you have done just that. It is easy to figure out why you chose to walk away from God over the teachings of Paul. Too bad, because without believing in Jesus foremost as the Son of God you will not see Heaven. Lost souls are very sad to the Lord and it is why God sent his only son to earth to save all of our souls.

My conclusion:

no: I said it isn't the place to fully elucidate my beliefs in great detail; only those that are necessary to the argument: "You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." At some other time I may get into a theological argument on the merits of Paul's interpretation of the Original True Message of Jesus, but this is not the time or the place. Thank you for your comment.

"You must follow your heart and not betray your intellect." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer


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