Friday, November 13, 2015

There are five more sides to the dice

"There are five more sides to the dice." - Mr. Atwater

Doing Background Acting requires a fair tolerance of rejection.  When I see a job posted and apply for the role, I am only successful in about 1/4, or 1/3, of the times.  The rest of the time, I am rejected because I did not meet certain physical requirements; or I was 'too late" and the job was already filled.

This happens to everyone.

Some people take the rejection personally, thinking the casting director has a vendetta, or there is some negative rating associated with their name.  When this happens to me I am tempted to think the same thing.  However, I remind myself , "It is a numbers game."   The more times I play the game, the more times I am likely to win.  The more times I "roll the dice," the more times I will get a winning number.

Most of public sales, retail sales, commercial distribution, subscription sales, insurance sales, investment products sales, and other forms of street hustling are similar. There is a certain percentage of rejection that is inherent in the business.  A predictable amount of the time even the best salesmen get rejected.  But they keep going. They "roll the dice" one more time, because they know there is always another opportunity.


"There are five more sides to the dice.
Next time ~ it might be a winner." - Mr. Atwater

William Schaeffer

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